So basically the shitcoiners emptied their bags, threw unspeakable amounts of bitcoin at the miners, motivated lagging exchanges (Non-KYC and KYC) to integrate lightning, generated a few more Bitcoin obituaries, and that was it.
Congrats to anyone mining out there, those were some nice fees.
Not really over, is it
Agreed. The fee spikes are like an immune response. And as much as we all probably want high fees for to pay the miners, it should probably develop over time and not come out of the blue like this. So i guess its working as intended.
Remember to open channels if / when fees come down. Will save many sats in the long run.
Not over yet.
If in a week it goes right back down to under 10sats/vb then it was a deliberate spam attack & they've run out of sats.
Technically it's not spam at all. Bitcoin works for enemies
They're hitting the dust limit for a reason
524 sat transactions
I'm not worried, I have a lightning node working well & I can wait months or years.
I was just saying I think they were spamming because of how fast it went up. Was not organic at all so it will likely fall just as fast
I don't think it's over yet. It will take some time for people to lose interest, or they run out of money)
What are you talking about? Shitcoiners did what?
Yep, well resumed.
Miners have realized that they can raise the price of the commission themselves)))))) because they are still going to make more money))) You know what to expect? 1000-2000-50000 sats per commission.... cool) and a fork in the hardfork won't help))))