What happens to 1 sat/vB transactions (and other low fee tx) that were not RBF enabled? Those transactions will never get confirmed unless a future block is added at their specific fee rate?
Also, once a transaction is purged from a particular mempool, that does not mean it is no longer signed and broadcast to the network, correct? So can it still can be picked up and confirmed in future?
The purged txs will get back to the sender wallet. I think are 2 weeks (can't remember how many blocks). So if you do not want to bump the fee, just wait patiently and your sats will be back into your wallet.
they're just waiting!) or it will be enough to turn off 90% of the miners and then turn them on) the miner sees only expensive commissions) and the purse of the one who sent it, always stores it and one day, someone will turn on laser mining and catch 2000 blocks in one hour) thereby solving all the problems with transfers to 1 sat.) it will be the very trigger for future discussions who controls bitcoin)