Something to think about for people Fighting Depression, and Anxiety. I believe that almost everyone suffers from the same kind of depression, I don’t think a lot of people even realize they have it. I also believe that psychiatrists have selfishly created a staggering number of mental illnesses that don’t really exist in the interest of money when really it’s all the same thing , because let’s face it the cost of living in the United States is so unreasonably high that almost everyone in our population has to be a greedy, selfish, lying piece of shit to get what there small brains desire rather then doing what is right. I believe the depression is given to us by our leaders who keep allowing the cost of life to go up, while the jobs didn’t really even pay people an honest wage before prices went up. We don’t have any time to stop and question why these leaders are taking advantage of us, fueling arguments and divorce that separate good families that couldn’t stop arguing about finances, forcing starvation, homelessness, theft, classing, and believe it or not cancer and a lot of other disease, because cost controls quality, Etc ( I could go on for hours ) we are all stressed to the max in a constant state of fight or flight. We know deep down what is causing our suffering but it’s hard for us to admit that we are being abused. We are living in a way that can only cause depression, the depression is our bodies telling us the truth. Here is the worst part, we can keep pretending that the ones we vote in to this system can fix it, but it can never be fixed, it will only get worse, it was designed to back us into a corner that we can never fight our way out of. Our Depression is the symptom of the system that is 100% wrong for us. I don’t think we deserve this depression, but I also don’t think we can stop labeling things long enough to stand together in truth. The end
Stay humble- stack sats. Never listen to therapists (the-rapists)
💪 we are going to win