There is no "they".
The actors who want to use the bitcoin network are different from those who are securing it.
If you are really bothered by this, it would be instructive to first establish that hash rates and fees are historically lock-step correlated. Otherwise this is just usual chemtrails -- FUD -- shitcoin bashing -- etc.
they = who is mining atm. and yes, they are real.
I guess we are free to talk about what is happening? no?
Just offering the unsolicited advice to bring along some evidence to back up your theories.
Your feelings of dread and uncertainty about conspiring miners -- THEY ARE OUT TO MAKE MONEY OFF US! -- is not backed by evidence, other than you finding it "weird".
Discuss away. It's fun and entertaining for most people to think about cabals of evil people in shadowy conclaves when a topic is not understood. See: chemtrails.
I don’t think they are evil . I just find weird they are not increasing hash rate at this point . Having fun with the discussion. Not sure why people think I’m suffering, maybe is the way I write. :)