Thinking about hanging a QR code on my letter box.
I live in a house with many parties and the parcel carriers don't realize that only the person who they rang the last can respond.
It happened multiple times that they rang me and by the time I picked up the phone to check who's there, they already rang someone else so my phone is dead again, lol
A QR code would solve this since they can scan it if the parcel is for me and this should open a direct ephemeral chat with me on my mobile. Since I carry it basically everywhere, I could even chat with the person while I am not at home.
I used to work as a postman and thus I think some would indeed use it to deliver a package successfully since it looks bad in the statistics if they are not able to deliver even if you can't hold them responsible for so many people just not being at home.
Does this sound like a good idea?
I almost started working on this and dropped everything else I was currently working on haha
But I really need to finish some stuff first before starting another project.
I will probably use nostr and NIP-04 for this. Will create a SN post when I have a MVP going :)