Strange times. I think I'm going to spend some time learning about transactions and the mempool. I know the basics, but I want to know what the hell is going on. I'm glad I mostly use LN!
To my knowledge it's just because of the massive demand for BRC-20 tokens. I think it's likely to lull after a little bit, but it sucks in the meantime because I just got a lnd node up and was about to open channels.
I've had my node up for a year and a half, but I was just going to do a few swaps to open a nice big channel. I'll wait a while, I guess.
Yup. Low time preference is hard to learn I guess. This new development has had me looking more closely at opening multiple channels at once with a payjoin to save on fees, although I'm worried that might be a little advanced for my first few channels.