Personally, with the tech we have now I don't see everyone ever being non-custodial with their payment funds, you can with your on chain savings, but the way LN is set up, I don't see why many would opt for non-custodial, what I hope is that with things like fedi/cashu/hosted channels we might see "local banks" pop up it could be a set of businesses that run it because they faciliate payments for their busienss
trust isn't always a bad thing, I remember growing up I could go to the corner store and buy something without cash and just put my name down in the book and the store owner knew everyone in the area so he would offer the service to people he knew and we settled up when you get paid and it worked for him
He moved stock, all he had to do was balance his float, granted inflation wasn't as high as it is today so it was easier to do this but under a bitcoin standard I think things like this can come back