Pick the lie that you don't think will happen in 2023
Bitcoin Mining taxed 30%66.7%
Bitcoin price ATH20.0%
Wallets with >1 BTC ATH13.3%
Nodes running ATH0.0%
15 votes \ poll ended
  1. Bitcoin mining taxed is crap FUD, I don't know why people pay attention to this, is meaningless
  2. bitcoin price is another meaningless crap
  3. wallets with >1BTC. Why people are looking to this meaningless number? It's totally useless. I could have easily 10M addresses each with 0.5BTC. Willl that matter? No fucking way.
  4. number of nodes running. Another meaningless number. It doesn't really matter if are 15k nodes or 15M nodes. Important is what for are they running it.
So the whole poll is useless.
Well what are upcoming numbers you are focused on?