I like this. Just finished Debt. The First 5000 Years, and one of the authors main points is that we didn't barter back in the day, we traded on credit. This sounds like a really novel, simple protocol for tracking those arrangements
I do think the name could maybe be workshopped or something though.
deleted by author
Also implemented in: hawala, interbank network and whatever this is: https://trustlines.network/
But why settle on nothing when you can settle on something? I'd like to see Lightning over Liquid, for example.
Did you read?
Yes but maybe I miss something. I'll answer point-by-point if you want.
    1. openness: LN over nothing can interop with normal LN, and LN over Liquid can do the same. No difference here.
    1. fragility: high fees are not that important over L2 such as Liquid, and flooding an L2 is unlikely. Not sure about griefing attacks.
    1. prepayments: I wonder if Cashu can fix this problem for normal LN
    1. hot wallet: wait what? why there's no signatures happening in Rumble? How would parties authenticate each other?
    1. custodianship: LN nodes are not custodians, who says they are?
    1. fun: no comment