As I always said in all my guides: be prepared with a good amount of liquidity in your LN channels/nodes, for the time that will come when onchain will be used exclusively for opening/closing channels.
Only few people listened my advice and those who didn't listen, now they are crying...
Mass adoption is not bottleneck because of lack of users opening channels, or there are not enough simple apps for normies. Is because people are still not well educated how to use Bitcoin and what the fuck is Bitcoin. People still think is an "asset" or a speculation trading shit....
Speaking of channels, I have a question and you probably have the answer. If I change my phone, does the re-import of my Blixt wallet necessarily imply a closing of the channels? I quickly read the doc about this, I wanted to know if there was a way to get around this? Thanks for your help.
Blixt is a full LND node. That means the answer is no. I wrote many guides, FAQs for Blixt:
It's all explained there.
I'm going to dig into it
This. No need to open channels everyday, just have a couple of solid and with good liquidity ones and live with them. Use hosted channels for temp inbound liquidity increasing.