A thread for the best April Fools news you’ve seen today…
"The most environmentally friendly version of bitcoin."
CleanCoin is built on top of Bitcoin Core. The difference between the two is the consensus algorithm: CleanCoin uses Proof of Stake consensus, whilst Bitcoin uses Proof of Work. Using Proof of Stake as a consensus algorithm is allowing it not only to scale better and be orders of magnitude more efficient in terms of power consumption, but it is also lowering the entry barrier for contributing to the creation of new blocks.
I wish this was an April Fools joke...
The ECON & LIBE committees of the EU Parliament voted in favour of the TFR compromises D & E that crack down on “unhosted” wallets.
Great for p2p and DEXs like bisq; bad for self sovereignty, security and privacy
The Green Peace announcement was my favourite but they were a few days early