Robosats did 24.43 BTC of trading volume in April, just shy of their March all-time records.
The breakdown of top currency pairs was:
  • 56% USD trades
  • 38% EUR trades
  • 6% everything else (BTC swaps and CAD trades were almost all of the remaining volume)
I’m curious to know how many people on SN have actually used Robosats, and if not, what is holding you back?
I use Bisq and Robosats exclusively to accumulate bitcoin via fiat selling. I've been leaning more towards Robosats lately though, because on the high on chain fees (Bisq doesn't support lightning). I'm in Canada, and the CAD liquidity is horrible compared to USD and EUR; it's pretty clear from the currency breakdown in your post. I typically make a buy when I see an offer within 3% above market. Or if I really want to get some sats, I would post an offer to buy.
Hey its crazy over there, been playing with it for a couple of days, prolly earned 40k sats so far. Jam looks good too, waiting to see how much it pays out. Shoutout to start9
cool, what kind of % premium do you typically charge?
it looks like things are settling around 2-3% for most BTC <> fiat trades across the exchange
I've been going at it with a hundred cuckbucks charging 2/2.5/3. I'm making 10k sats per trade. Strike sends lightning transactions with fiat, i've been sending the profits via lighting to my node.