Adaptation of text 46 from the book Manual de Epicteto, published on Discord The Bitcoin.
Never claim to be a Bitcoiner or discuss the fundamentals of Bitcoin.
For instance, at a cookout, don't instruct others on how to grill the meat; instead, bring it already prepared the way it's meant to be.
Keep in mind Satoshi's approach, who has relinquished his showy demeanor so thoroughly that people still reference him when discussing Bitcoin but have no idea who he is.
He managed to direct attention not towards himself, but to Bitcoin.
When chatting with regular folks and an uninteresting subject arises, remain quiet as long as possible to avoid spouting information you haven't fully grasped.
If someone calls Bitcoin a pyramid scheme or outdated, and you don't even take offense, then you know you're a true Bitcoiner in that moment.
Sheep don't present their food to shepherds to boast about how much they've consumed; rather, they digest it internally and externally produce wool and milk.
Similarly, don't flaunt your knowledge of Bitcoin principles around ordinary people; instead, demonstrate the results of what you've absorbed.
instead, demonstrate the results of what you've absorbed.
Yes, leading by example!
I think the primary reason leftists/statists and shitcoiners are not open to bitcoin or are even anti bitcoin is their world view. Granted, many in my experience don't even understand the basics of bitcoin but they have been told it is bad and that is enough for them. If I were to explain to them the problems bitcoin solves most of them would be meh about it.
That said, if someone is a leftist/statist but actually cares about the poor, is against war, and would like to see human flourishing I think understanding the fundamentals of bitcoin could be a red pill for them.
In general most people are not open to unsolicited advice in general. Leading by example is far more effective in the long run.
Very stoic.
If someone calls Bitcoin a pyramid scheme or outdated, and you don't even take offense, then you know you're a true Bitcoiner in that moment.
This ^
Very well put.
The one thing I would add is that asking questions that generate cognitive dissonance is a way of laying seeds for better future conversations and giving intellectually curious people a way to know you're someone they could talk to.
True, I agree.
you just say that because you know Ethereum is better because it has dapps.
Yep, well said.
Well said.