I was thinking about how I didn't want to be seeing notifications on SN. So I checked the settings and there they are -- it looks like you can disable all notifications. My reason is that notifications are a major component social media, and I'm totally done with social media.
The first thing I do in a new phone is to disable all notifications.
I like to look at my phone whenever I want to, not when it asks for my attention.
People forget that attention is so important that it actually end up defining your life. Attention brings thoughts to your mind, thoughts create ideas, ideas lead to action, which then create habits and your life.
So you don't want to see that I just replied to your comment?
I like to see if someone replied to my comments or posts. But I don't like push notifications.
Ideally, I would see no notifications at all. But it seems I didn't read the settings well enough -- I got a notification for your response.
i feel the same way, after it being a big part of my life, i wonder what changed
For me, the last straw was when someone (who I thought was my friend) reacted harshly to a technical statement I made. And that was on the Fediverse, which has no algorithm manipulating people's feeds.
However, it was last year when I realized that social media is entirely a time-sink -- absorbing my time and giving me nothing in return. I think 2018 was the last time I actually got something objectively useful from social media.
i wonder what changed
I think a few things have changed. One of them is that people are feeling the squeeze as the economy crashes and inflation increases. People are reflecting the stress from that at people on social media.