It's not called Bitcoin Lake, it's called Atitlán, and its a sacred place. Its name comes from the native language and its heavy with local culture and traditions. As an outsider, you can keep your marketing and respect the history, it's not your place to rebrand.
Thank you for your response. It’s not my rebrand though, because I am not the one who is initiating the NPO ‘Bitcoin Lake’.
I know it's not your term, but you are participating in it by using it. It's fine you're an outsider, and might not have known. But stepping into a place like that it's good to pay some respect to the local energies and spirits rather than calling it the way that some marketers want to call it. Atitlán is a perfectly fine name and the place is magical, as are the local histories and mythologies.
Jus because people want to use better money does not mean that they are not respecting the history of the lake.
I think it’s. great project and hell yea I will support it as good as I can.
I love the initiative, except for the part where the name of the place is not said and a new one is given.