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The non-English content (French, and "Indigenous") mandate, is the most flabbergasting part.
Who wants to see recommendations for content in a language that you don't speak?
With any luck, the Engineers at youtube and these other platforms, will add nice easy-to-remove-client-side <div> tags around the C-11 pushed content, so Canadians can use browser extensions and pi-holes to not even bother downloading the content before it's removed similar to how ad-blockers work.
the argument for this legislation seems flawed because they say they want the same rules for everyone which makes sense, but they could just have given the freedoms that exist for internet media to the "legacy" media instead of taking the freedoms away from internet media.
Good one! LOL!
This might not be a bad thing. The harder the state push to control / limit the people, the harder / smarter the people will push back or seek a sly roundabout way to circumvent the control. I believe Newton's third law not only applies to classical mechanics, but also applies to tyranny and control. This might actually push people to learn and use privacy tools, develop better privacy practices, and in turn, might even help promote bitcoin adoption in Canada.