Thanks for writing this up, @DarthCoin. I think a lot of us here were aware of your distaste for ChatGPT, but didn't understand why (at least I didn't). Now I know where you're coming from.
I agree with having a subsection for guides and tutorials. I have one of your LN guides bookmarked, but it'd be nice if we had a dedicated section for these things, too.
I also don't think we need an auto summary of linked stories. As I mentioned in that same bounty post, a text box would do nicely. I personally want people to read the stories I share, but would like to add context to why I'm sharing it. We don't need to add AI for the sake of adding AI.
On the other hand, the tldr bot has been created and used here. As it stands now, I think this is fairly benign (though I'm sure you disagree) as one can choose to use it or not.
We don't need to add AI for the sake of adding AI.
Well said.
As an aside, this is probably a good topic for your substack if you haven't covered it already.
I guess I was thinking something more specific to AI and ChatGPT and why you think these are antithetical to personal sovereignty and Bitcoin. Something like what you've written here but a bit more fleshed out and obviously not SN related.