This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
tldr should work on text posts, now.
Users are able to tag it in the post itself or the comments.
Tried it on my bio. I either need to add a censor or modify the prompt.
A while ago i asked and not expecting a good answer, why do we seem to like and keep pets?
And someone responded: "They dont complain"
fiat mines and rl kicking butt. Lost my cowboy hat. Must stack more sats!
Reinforcement Learning?
Happy stacking friend.
Just a rant: I feel that hard core bitcoiners are against themselves. Nobody likes die hard anybody. If you are into something and treat everyone like idiots because they have a different interest, how is that to your benefit. People have different needs, they are in different parts of their lives, etc. etc., and technology evolves. So being a toxic bitcoin maxi is just not very productive.
This is the cycle of life in Bitcoin.
First: “These Maxis bring up some good points, but I can't take someone seriously when they're so rude about it. Some of these crypto projects sound promising.”
Then: Gets destroyed by Shitcoiners
And finally: “The Maxis weren't rude enough to me.”
Bitcoiners are friendly, compassionate, and willing to teach anyone who isn't a scammer. If you aren't a scammer or trying to get rich quick off some shitcoin, you will probably find bitcoiners easy to get along with. That has been my experience anyways.
Truth man. We need to be compassionate maxis, not toxic ones
Bitcoiners are very compassionate, just not towards "crypto" people. If someone tried to steal your identity and live off the fruits of your good name, committing fraud and swindling people would you be compassionate toward them? Crude analogy but the idea is fairly simply if you believe Bitcoin is a moral imperative to bring openly accessible, sound, uncensorable, counterparty risk free, money to the world then until Bitcoin reaches global adoption (lets say 1B users) everything else is at best a distraction and at worst an impediment to that goal.
That is good to hear.
Yes, there are many scams and it sucks that there are spineless people that take advantage of other trusting people.
I just feel that not every project build on a similar principle like Bitcoin is there to scam, so I have hard time throwing them into the same box with the scammers. Of course, very hard to distinguish and staying with bitcoin is of course the safest bet in terms of not being scammed.
So being a toxic bitcoin maxi is just not very productive.
I think I might need to hit up ministry of nodes. My utxos aren’t showing up on my CLN node
Day 14 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
First Republic Bank is on the brink of collapse, and the MSM is trying to convince everyone it's no big deal. We live in strange times.
Of course it’s not a big deal. The NFL draft is this weekend!
And the 49ers traded up for a S, took a K and a TE who catches but doesn't block.
Granted they needed a K but in the 3rd round?
And I admit I'll be watching!