Simply ridiculous.
AI is a major evolution and, like any technology, is neither bad or good — it's neutral.
The only think that matters in any technology is the way you use it. There will always be pitfalls and benefits. Like the Internet, the most liberating and empowering technology ever created: it allows free and wide access to universal knowledge — but it also allows sex predators to find their victims and terrorists to plot deadly attacks.
It's always a question of benefits/risks ratio, and when a technology succeeds and spreads, it's because this ratio is globally positive.
We need AI, for plenty of reasons, and it's obviously a technology that will bring much more benefits than problems.
In all that, ChatGPT is only a tool, and an amazing one. It's powerful and useful, including for a website like SN.
Darth I see your points and agree with many.
BUT. It is important not to conflate ChatGPT/OpenAI with other open source machine learning projects that not only could be completely self-sovereign but actually a weapon to fight back.
It's like saying you dislike this new "gunpowder" thing because now any idiot can effortlessly kill from a distance. Guess what? Keep your sword, and the "evil lords" will use gunpowder and wipe you out real fast.
We are not going to stop AI by complaining or hiding in a corner. Let's learn how to use their tools against them.
This is precisely what I am not liking about AI. That it puts me in a position of having to choose between dominating or being dominated. AI is offensive in nature, as opposed to Bitcoin, which is defensive in nature. It's like having to build my own atomic bomb just because everyone else has one.
I know it cannot be stopped, but how can we survive and thrive in this environment without corrupting ourselves?
The whole thesis of the Sovereign Individual is based on the idea that during nation states' rise, offensive force was superior to defensive force, whereas during the Sovereign Individual's rise, defensive systems are superior to offensive ones. Is it wrong?
I wish I knew the answer to your question.
Maybe bitcoin has the potenial to limit AI's destructiveness. What other defensive systems besides bitcoin you think will arise in a self-sovereign era?
Here is the answer: #170426
Yes, is only a tool for your own slavery. HAVE FUN STAYING SLAVE.
I'm reminded of Jimmy Song note on nostr: "AI is an amazing servant, but a terrible master"
To understand how AI is controlled, especially on the subjects that matter, ask it to summarise any article that deviates from the official political line: Covid, Bill c-11, Trump, etc
If it is acceptable there, where does it stop?
What we need, is an ai that is not captured by the State