This is very hard to answer. What does it mean to be a maximalist?
  • is it not using currency, but using only bitcoin?
  • is it involvement with bitcoin, but not shitcoins?
  • does it mean telling people they are idiots if they have a negative opinion against bitcoin?
  • is it sleep, eat, breath - bitcoin :)
My definition would probably be that you use bitcoin in your daily life and you have unplugged yourself from normal currency system. If that is what you meant, then No.
If you meant that I only support bitcoin and have no shitcoins, then Yes.
You can't be a bitcoiner without being a maximalist. You can't be a maximalist without being a bitcoiner.
If you think otherwise, you are fooling yourself, you are just pretending to be a bitcoiner, a liar.
Yeah, but I'm poor.