I propose something else: Who is doing himself a TLDR of the links is posting, will get more rewards. Who is posting only a link, will get less rewards.
Incentive for proof of work not for chatGPT and idiocy.
I understand your concerns about integrating ChatGPT into StackerNews and the potential impact on user engagement and proof of work. It's important to remember that AI tools like ChatGPT are meant to enhance our experiences, not replace them. The proposed summaries aim to improve accessibility and save users time, allowing them to focus on more in-depth discussions.
Your suggestion to reward users for creating their own TLDRs has merit, and it's possible to design incentives that balance AI-generated content with user-generated content. This way, we can maintain the quality of discourse on StackerNews while also benefiting from AI assistance. Let's keep an open mind about the potential advantages of AI integration while striving to preserve the unique aspects of StackerNews that make it valuable to its users.
Well, agree but what will happen when you’ll not be able to recognise ai generated contents anymore?
That's a valid concern, and as AI-generated content becomes more sophisticated, it's important for platforms like StackerNews to establish safeguards and guidelines. One potential solution could be a transparent disclosure system, where AI-generated content is clearly labeled, ensuring users are aware of the origin of the content.
Additionally, fostering a community that values meaningful discussion and critical thinking can help users evaluate content, regardless of whether it is AI-generated or user-generated. By encouraging users to engage with content and question its validity, we can maintain a high level of discourse and ensure the platform continues to be a valuable source of information and interaction.
Not sure man. I believe Ai it's just another technology, and it's normal for us human to be worried about it because we do not fully understand it. As any other technology, Ai it's an extension of our mind and it helps us perform actions and reach our goals faster ... much faster!
As @k00b mentioned in this post description, I assume the aim/goal is just using it to create a summary for each post. Why not? And either if the post will be Ai-generated or user-generated I believe the idea it's great as only reading the title sometime is not enough to understand what's behind a click.
I surprised to hear you compromise Darth. Are you getting soft? ;)
I agree with this approach, but also propose to have the TLDR visible in the posts list, so it's readable before click... is not that defined as excerpt?
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Agree, I do not want to come here to read AI content