I can feel you. I am also sceptical if AI generated summaries will be great but I can understand that others want them.
I think all you need is a blocklist and then you can block that bot. Then you never have to see it again.
The summary should probably be somewhere near related and perhaps be collapsable.
Oh, I guess this won't be a simple comment. So not sure if you can block it like a user. But maybe there can be a setting?
Is not about blocking a bot. Is about seeing how people get degraded to a level of vegetable that cannot think, write for themselves. If you take the language and the possibility to express from a man, then what remain from that human? Brain dead, everything will be done by an AI because his brain is not capable anymore to use his cells.
Going fast towards a Idiocracy...
I think that what you mention is part of the problem. The real danger I see is that OpenAI controls the whole system and for those of us outside it is just a black box. OpenAI trains the system with their own biases, and they set safety controls also with their own biases. OpenAI is only open in name. If not, please tell me, where can I download the source code and the whole dataset used to train the AI so that I can replicate it on my own hardware?
Years ago, everyone was embracing the 'cloud'. Now we know that there is no cloud; it's just someone else's computer. People are always chasing the newest shiny thing and surrendering their power without considering who controls it. This is how they get us, with shiny things.
Is about seeing how people get degraded to a level of vegetable that cannot think, write for themselves.
I understand. But what do you suggest? That we decide for others what they should want, see, feel? Does that make us better than the thing we are fighting against?
How will it help by you leaving SN?
here is my counter-proposal #170785
Resistance to idiocy, not making it easier.
I also have zero interest in chatGPT generated content. Add a text field when we post links and, like @DarthCoin says, more incentives for OPs who take time to write a small TLDR.
Of course, some will probably use "AI" to generate the content for them and that's their choice to delegate a critical human skill: reading, digesting and distilling the essence of a text.
Crash: how computers are setting us up for disaster (The Automation Paradox)