wen coloured hats
the coloring scheme may be just the same like currently used for the lightning bolt icon by every article and it should show average value of tip during the period of having hat
Wen your PR? ;)
Jk, I know some people might not be devs themselves. But you can open a ticket on Github, I guess.
and it should show average value of tip during the period of having hat
What do you mean by that? Tips you received or tips you did? Average per day? And how should it show it?
I just learned how to add color in python scripts is sn written in python?
tips you did, of course - the hat is because of what you have done to the community
just average, it can be for last 24h for example, or for full period of having hat - feel free to propose best way in your opinion
it should show different colours for different ranges of average tip used by the user having hat
(just like SN interface is already able to colour lightning bolt by the article you have donated, i.e. the colour is changing according to the number of satoshis you have donated to the article)
it will incentive generosity on Stacker News for sure :)