We are bombarded lately with news about introducing CBDCs. But what about the army of Bitcoin maxis? Are you going to accept CBDCs and live your slave life, in denial and surrender? Or are you going full "survival mode", Bitcoin only, creating Bitcoin underground circular economies? What is your plan? Freedom or slavery?
I have to accept (paid by gov)5.4%
I will try to escape37.5%
No CBDC for me (Bitcoin)51.8%
I don't know (comment)5.4%
56 votes \ poll ended
I will never accept CBDCs. Give me freedom or give me death.
If they give me free money, I will take it and try to sell for bitcoin. Or buy stuff with it and sell that for bitcoin.
But I hope I will be able to live on a bitcoin standard, even when it means that my choices are limited. Else, I will probably leave my country to find a better place (if possible).
So that means I vote for "I will try to escape", I guess.
Not all countries will impose CBDCs in lockstep. For some it will be an easy task, in others it will be a tough battle and can even backfire.
I don't see how a country like Argentina can become "cashless" overnight when almost 50% of the economy moves in cash / black market. It's even an incentive for many corrupt politicians to keep cash.
Mexico is another one that comes to mind.
There are plenty, plenty of places to escape.
Yes, we know that CBDCs are designed to fail in the end. But do not underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups (sheeple). They will embrace CBDCs because they already give up to be free humans. And that will make it even harder for Bitcoin adoption. No matter how many BTC you will have, it will be in vain.
Escaping to El Salvador? Maybe could be a single escape valve, but is not enough. Is a fucking tiny country that could not host all the bitcoiners.
Haha I don't underestimate sheeple, they are fucking stupid and it was very clear during covid.
But I think after covid more people have woken up. My cousin for example, she was just another normie but she ended up refusing the vaxx and now she started talking about CBDCs... something I would have never expected from her before 2020.
The point is not to have majority. The majority follows fiat "leaders". But with a strong vocal minority against it, CBDCs won't be an easy ride. Look what happened with the vaxx mandates... they had to revert course.
Also: Argentina is fucking big. Come here that we have enough space for many citadels.
i already accepted the digital id. i would lose my bank accounts if i didnt set it up. that was my oppertunity. without the digital id, i would be free. but i set it up. i got the digital id. i chose to be a slave.
Have Fun Staying a Slave
With digital ID you mean fingerprints?
People will not have the choice. Cash will be removed and will quickly disappear, as taxes, salaries and shops are massively nominated in the "official" currencies.
You're dreaming if you think some "underground" market will do. Do you think you will buy "underground" milk with sats in a cashless economy? Come on.
That's the main (and only) problem facing Bitcoin right now: people are not really using it as it should. How much of your monthly expenses are paid in BTC today? Why would that change when your whole country, all administrations, all shops have converted to digital fiat?
Sure thing, CBDCs will most probably be a dystopian nightmare.
But the only way to avoid this is to dramatically increase Bitcoin adoption, before 2025, to reach something like 1B users. And to make people understand that, instead of "trading" and "hodling", they should USE Bitcoin. Not a done deal. But if we get there, then CBDCs and Bitcoin can coexist in some sort of duality.
And that's something BTC Maxis need to understand: the real enemy will never be any "shitcoin", it's CBDCs.
We buy “underground” food directly from local farmers every week.
for Bitcoin?
Shake your ranchers hand
And you think that the 5 billion people living in cities in 2025 will do that?
But the only way to avoid this is to dramatically increase Bitcoin adoption, before 2025, to reach something like 1B users. And to make people understand that, instead of "trading" and "hodling", they should USE Bitcoin.
"everorange" reminder :)
The bitcoin circular economy is coming. It's being created as you read these lines.
It is, yes, but too slowly.
Good for those who have enough bitcoins to safely abandon fiat. Including you, Darth. But the majority has yet to go through this transitional stage in order to become fully independent and free. It takes some time.
Will come that day when you have to choose: freedom or slavery. Sounds crazy but this is the simple truth.
The only way out of the CBDC is the circular economy via Bitcoin. But before it can be a medium of exchange, Bitcoin must be recognized as a store of value by as many people as possible. Adoption is the only real relevant metric to compare Bitcoin and Fiat.
And obviously, it's the green candles and ATH that are attracting nocoiners. The two actions to focus on it seems to me are:
  • Share quality information with nocoiners as much as possible to get Bitcoin to germinate in their minds.
  • All-in BTC -> HODL -> Stack more sats by earning (whatever) more than spending = NGU
Personally, I'm going to stick to that. No matter what the outcome of the monetary battle, it will be freedom or death
No thanks, I'll just go live in El Salvador and you guys can come work for me if the world goes full technocratic hellscape on us.
I'll pay you 5,000 sats for... uh, whatever the hell kind of work do there, I'm still figuring this out.
I mean.. i'm trying to structurate a underground btc based economy system in my little life. So.. i will never agree with that central bank fu.k currencies
Nigeria seems to be being coerced into CBDC compliance, if this post is anything to go by -
It links to an r/bestconspiracymemes post -
No idea if this is genuine information or not, but even if it is faked, the method described to push people into compliance is believable, and disturbing to say the least.
Hell no!
They can fuck off with that bullshit.
I am kinda surprised that nobody explained HOW they are going to "escape" from CBDCs.
Convince the normies in the system to start using Bitcoin. Have enough Bitcoin saved to jumpstart local economies when SHTF.
Or we can run away and leave them to starve like Noah’s arc
It will be their choice but I will try
If you work remotely for Bitcoin then you won't even have to escape.
I don't think people will use CBDCs, in some countries like Nigeria where they're pushing for it, people have not used it:
Nigerians’ Rejection of Their CBDC Is a Cautionary Tale for Other Countries Nigerians are protesting the African country's digital currency and demanding renewed access to paper money, despite government incentives.
I will trade it p2p for bitcoins.
But that means you still accept it, you accept and support slavery. It doesn't really matter if you sell it for bitcoin (if that would be possible anyways). The whole point is to say NO. Why continuing to accept all the bullshit?
Yes. Moreover I am not privileged enough for not having any bank accounts and do 0 fiat because it would mean forced deportation.
If they give them to me in a free UBI-type fashion and I can buy things that I would purchase anyway, then I don't see not taking "free" money. That being said, it's also obvious that there are certain items that gov's will not allow us to purchase (and increasingly draconian infringements of freedom built in) and for those, a parallel economy with bitcoin at the forefront must develop. I think this is why it is integral to continue to build the spend and replace model rather than everyone in the community just HODLing. But the eventual answer is "try to escape", whatever means the situation will require.
LOL another one bargaining his freedom for convenience...
Wow StableCoiner new move
I will use it until it comes with stipulations I don't want to follow, then I will use BTC only.
that's bargaining... so you bargain your freedom for some meaningless privileges. No wonder this world is so fucked up.
Simply walking away from it when it becomes dog shit does not require even 1 second of bargaining.