Do you think there are enough resources on the internet about Bitcoin and the Lightning Network? Apart from that, if we define bitcoin as a "payment network", what are the issues that are difficult for people to understand or difficult to learn? Maybe there could be some summarized and easy to understand resources about these.
good question ....
Bitcoin education challenges 1- much of the content is rubbish or by influencers trying to sell you something 2- hard to find reliable content on your own (nocoiners know NOTHING so they cant distinguish between quality and non q.) 3- not much education in local languages .... yes there are efforts but they arent enough 4- most important point: even if some get educated .... volatility is wht scares them the most ... a mental hurdle thats tough to overcome
LN education challenges: 1- its far too technical to learn 2- even if you learn, the incentive TODAY doesnt exist much to use it on daily/weekly basis (for a new coiner or nocoiner)
As for the best resource, its the Bitcoin standard book which is easy to understand by almost everyone
I had the pleasure of meeting Saif last week!
ofc Bitcoin Standart book is a great one but I don't belive most of the people will not read it. Moreover, the resource should catchy and should be available for everyone (from 1st grade to 80 years old). If I collect some data, I will start preparing some posts, blogs, twitter threads to spread the knowledge anonymously. Thank you for your interest I will examine those in detail
how about you educate them yourself :) .... you can download this and just explain it