Currently chasing a concurrency bug in the message dispatcher (split/join/confirm) that is the transport Indra nodes relay user's onions through. Probably another test to write and some more pesky bug to chase and it's time to start working on socks5 and TUN proxying and building out the LND/BTCD control and payment API access.
Yes, not long after that payment stuff is working and we have nice virtual networks of docker instances we can start to test over the internet, the precursor to the first private alpha testnet.
Most programmers are not familiar with the joys of CSP concurrent programming, the many little rules about channels and buffers and listeners must start before senders start blathering, and the necessary locking of resources that would get muntered by concurrent read/write accesses.
I'm sure that for the time being this skill is not at great risk of being devalued by AI thankfully :) This is exactly the kind of case that gives you 7 fingered busty anime barque pinup ladies.