Using a laser and some mirrors on the engine, it is possible to find the password to any encrypted information. So far it has been possible to create a decryptor for the algorithm with complexity 2 and 4. but if we add mirrors it is possible to decrypt 8 and 16. the complexity arises at 32 - 64. the speed of rotation of the mirror greatly affects the result. it needs a very fine tuning. possibly mechanics. the principle is as follows.
  1. the laser shines on the first mirror, which rotates at 1200 revolutions per 600 seconds. Its reflection falls on the second mirror, which rotates at a speed of 2400 revolutions per 600 seconds. and the result appears as a pattern on the wall. Knowing which image appears it is possible to record the reverse result, which makes it possible to decipher from the public key. if you use 3 mirrors then you can safely decipher complexity 8. parameters are important for the distance between mirrors and rotation speed. There is an example here.
To verify the result of the authenticity of the experiment you can assemble the construction yourself of 3 mirrors and check the result of the output data which are encrypted. here is an example with one reflection.
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