pull down to refresh

glad that you got the sats! Ok i will fix the webApp & iOS issue immediately now. Stay tuned! In the mean time, please make sure your sats are safe by changing your @lifpay.me LN address on profile page.
Which address did you send the sats to? I can only access this address for now 908f0a0c@lifpay.me
@veintiuno may i ask which webApp you use? please give me the address.
i sent it to: 071bfd70@lifpay.me
I am checking our server now. If not, I will send sats to you to the one you verified with your email. Just let me know which lifpay.me address you use.
this is the one connected with the verified email accoun 908f0a0c@lifpay.me
Ok did you see the sats in your account: 908f0a0c@lifpay.me now?
Yes received, thank you
oh, I mean the "webApp" dashboard.lifpay.me accessible from your website lifpay.me
I did login again using the same LNwallet now, and I got another receiving address 31df2c80@lifpay.me look's like is creating an account every time I access it.
908f0a0c@lifpay.me is the one I can re-access from my mobile after email verification
Another thing, there's no way I can access the webApp with mobile number or email... and in the other side I cannot access via LNwallet from the mobile app. it's a bit weird from the user perspective
may i ask if you use other wallet mobile app to scan the QR code dashboard.lifpay.me?
Yes I was using a LN.tips wallet with BlueWallet.
Logging in with the LifPay mobileApp recognize the account
yes! the dashboard did support BlueWallet scan, but Lifpay mobile App experience will be better. I will further improve the UX to avoid further confusion. Stay tuned!