It isn't pointless at all. You are correct about the masses but talking about this stuff isn't for the masses its for the select, the remnant. The thing is, you never know who will read/hear this info so don't underestimate the power of explaining the "geek" things. The people that truly want to learn and understand are often influential and leaders.
On the point of "bad things could happen". Do you really think PoS can withstand state attacks? The ETH validators are already bragging about OFAC compliance... In a perfect world this stuff would not matter, but we don't live in this magical world. Bitcoin's approach to censorship resistance is one of the main things that got me. Yes these same attacks can be done to bitcoin but it is much harder to execute.
A common mistake people make is watering down things. I find that those that don't care about the security of the network and censorship resistance come from places of privilege like the the wealthy western world. Often they seem to have a Pollyanna view of the state. Bitcoin is a real threat to tyranny and many will try to stop it. We can't kid ourselves.