If you are using the LND implementation, there's an anchor reserve for the channels you have open. Here you can read more about anchor reserve https://lightning.engineering/posts/2021-01-28-lnd-v0.12/ It is like an UTXO with max 100k sats that must be kept. So if you have open channels, that must be.
Is not about Umbrel. Umbrel is just a dumb web UI interface, is not the node itself. Is about the LND code.
So I suggest to always keep only one UTXO with 100k sats in it, as a reserve. Then you will be able to spend a whole UTXO to open channels. I know, is kinda stupid, but until Eltoo will be implemented, we have long walk to go...
It didn't say anything about the 100k sats maximum. Is it the same if you have 2 channels or 200 channels?
Is usually 10k sats/channel, but no more than 100k in total, if you keep it in one UTXO always. Re-organize your UTXOs and always keep one UTXO with 100k. Never use that UTXO for opening channels. And all will be just fine.