Because we all still need USD!
Please don't put me in the shitcoiners gang. I do not use any fiat or shitcoin stablecoin from 2018. Only Bitcoin. The fact that you still need USD means you still don't know how to use Bitcoin and how to convince people around you to use it. You are still fiat slave. And for more you are keep using it, more you will suffer.
If you do not have balls to do it, to step out from slavery is your choice, but don't say that stupid thing that we need USD. We don't need.
Last I checked daycares don’t accept Bitcoin. Neither do sports leagues, doctors, dentists, nor do utility companies for power and water.
In the real world expenses are still dominated in dollars.
Until producers of things that matter like food, health, education, energy accept bitcoin on mass dollars are still Needed and those who refute this aren’t living in reality.
I’m not putting you in any gang I’m just saying that a usd stablecoin is nothing like a shitcoin.