Hi Great concept needs, some improvements.
Installed LifPay on my iOS device, the app is quite easy and intuitive to use. The user interface is straightforward and doesn't learning if you are familiar with lighting,
You can easily customize your lifpay email address, which I like
There are some areas in which the app could use some polishing. For instance, the buttons on the Receive Screen are not large enough to display the text correctly. I'd be happy to provide screenshots.
Another issue I encountered was with the scan option. When I tried to use it, the camera would open but then hang.
In summary just needs a little bit of polish and fine-tuning
Great! just sent you some sats (thank you for being the No.1 to respond!) Did you receive it? Yes! please give me more feedback!! my email address is: winnie@lifpay.me (or post it here can do as well!)