I totally understand your point and agree that a newbie confronted to this would totally freak out. But that title!
Telling everyone, newbie or not, to "STAY AWAY' from Phoenix is one of the worst advice I can think of when it comes to mobile Lightning. I and many other people have found Phoenix to be the most reliable non-custodial Lightning wallet out there, including under low bandwidth conditions.
Remember DropBit? One day the balances on all those custodial wallets will be gone or seized, and there will be no restoring the wallet on Electrum.
Alternative title ideas:
  • How I Lost All My Funds On Phoenix - But They Were Actually Still There
  • I Thought I Lost My Fund But It Was Just Phoenix BAD UX
  • The UX Issue That Could Drive New Phoenix Users Crazy!
  • Why Phoenix Should Implement On-Chain Sweep
  • Phoenix Should Do Better When It Comes To UX
  • and so on.
Now, you're right to speak up, given that is could indeed be frightening for newbies, and you did pay for a channel that you never enjoyed to use. And I've seen the discussion around the issue being known since 1.5 years, which I agree should probably have been addressed by now.
Appreciate your comment. Wrote that title in the heat of the moment and I don't think it's possible to edit it.
But perhaps it does bring the attention to that github issue that nobody seemed to care about. Once github unblocks my account I will comment on there.
No Phoenix devs on SN?
@k00b feature idea: pay some sats for the ability to edit a title after some time