This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
If you can't beat 'em, womp 'em.
Rainy Saturday in my neck of the woods. Enjoyed coffee and scrolling SN on the deck in the sunshine yesterday morning. Not in the cards today.
Thinking about how deflationary ubiquitous AI will be and how that will affect the massive debt bubble the world is facing. As much as I think AI could be a massive productivity boon, the deflationary effects could overwhelm productivity gained and monetizing the debt or a debt jubilee seems like the only feasible outcome. We need to think about the steps leading to a bitcoin standard, because they will try everything else before that. I think it comes but a lot of shit needs to be tried and fail first.
What really bakes my noodle is thinking about how AI itself might utilize Bitcoin. There could be a huge market for autonomous businesses.
It will be very easy to create a business and automate almost all of it in the coming years. Which is great because I spent 15 years working my ass off building a business and sold it for a lot less than I wanted to (don't get me wrong I did ok) because it got crushed during the pandemic. I want start another biz but somewhat dreading the grind it takes to get it to profitability as I have been in relax mode for the last 15 months but I am planning to spend a lot of time working with AI tools to see how I could utilize them to make the process easier.
Happy to learn insurance seem to be indexed according to wages and not consumer prices. Wages are up 3% & consumer prices are up 9% around here.
Day 7 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Just listened to SNL. At the end, the issues with nostr DMs and no encrypted group messages at all was mentioned and that a cryptographer needs to jump in and fix things there.
I think I am going to take a deeper look at the Signal protocol. It seems to be the industry standard regarding encrypted communications.
Would be awesome if nostr could be as secure as Signal in the future.
Also take a look at the SimpleX chat protocol. It manages to do encrypted chat in a way that doesn't even involve any kind of identifiers
I recall nostr folks having discussed signal at some point. I don't recall where but probably worth searching around for it a bit.
It was on nostr. The discussion was mentioned in the Github issue: