Isn't the first sentence a bit discouraging? "A BIP47 ripoff that is poorly thought out and prone to loss of funds"
Lol yeah that description came from a Samourai wallet fan who didn't like whisper addresses when they came out, but I embraced his criticism because it's true
They are a bip47 ripoff because I wanted a variant of bip47 that was compatible with regular bitcoin wallets, and whisper addresses are what I came up with
They were pretty poorly thought out at the time because I made them during a weekend hackathon so their feature set was extremely limited at launch. But nostr fixed some of their initial problems so they've improved since then
And in comparison with bip47, it's true that whisper addresses carry a higher risk of fund loss, because the data you need in order to recover money from them is not on the blockchain, it's only held by the buyer and -- in the case of this app -- also on one or more nostr relays in an encrypted direct message. You can lose your funds if all copies of the whisper key are lost, which is much less likely with bip47 because everything it uses gets stored on the blockchain