Can't wait for the day where we all communicate over Nostr DMs and log in via LNURL-Auth
I've got a password manager you can trust. It's called cl-vaultless. You can trust that it isn't broken because it's a serverless, stateless, mobile-optimized, quantum-resistant, AI-safe password manager, which fights password fatigue by being storage-efficient and by upcycling an uncommon hash function. This innovative open-source technology is guaranteed to disrupt the legacy cloud-based password management market.
Thoughts on KeePassXC?
To be clear, this is half a joke. Cl-vaultless is a real password manager and it could be proven secure (if someone was interested in auditing the code and instructions). The joke is the fact that it's not easy to use, so there's no way it could ever become popular (perhaps appropriately, since cl-vaultless requires considerable knowledge to use properly). Also, many websites still demand that passwords contain non-alphanumeric characters and not be too long (I've bumped into that insanity recently).
I don't trust Proton because of this video:
The video is based on concerns raised in an article at Privacy Watchdog back in 2019. Here's an interesting discussion between the man at Privacy Watchdog and Protonmail:
The 5 eyes see everything 👀
I don't know why, but my inner intuition tells me not to trust Proton.