I was previously one of the people who was of the opinion that the hype was overblown and that people were exaggerating when they spoke of how impressive the technological improvements were. Most peoples' current exposure to what they consider "AI" is limited to a technology like chatGPT - which, while super impressive, is just one iteration of the actual underlying technology.
I have changed my mind about this. I do think that we are currently at the beginning of a massive shift that is going to impact all of our lives, on every level. I think the scale of how big this change will be, is currently beyond description because we've literally never experienced anything like it before.
GPT-4 is about to become super-charged...one thing to remember is that chatGPT isn't itself connected to the internet. There are too many developments and advancements happening every single day now when it comes to new AI stuff, that it's become impossible to remain abreast of all of it.
I'll share some of the people who I like to follow to remain somewhat in the loop when it comes to AI related content:
First and foremost I am a big fan of this guy, Matt Wolfe. His channel has really blown up in the last few weeks on YouTube and if you check out his stuff, I think you'll see why. This video from the other week is a great example - it's a condensed, but still start-to-finish style video that shows his entire process of creating his own video game, relying entirely upon AI tools to do so and having zero coding knowledge whatsoever.
What's really crazy is when you realize that the above linked video is from ~2 weeks ago, and then this one from 6 days ago is showcasing new stuff that's been released in the last few days, and it really opens up one's mind to the possibilities of what you can create with these tools.
Here's some other channels I like with AI stuff:
"MattVidPro" - yeah, dude should've used chatGPT to come up with a better name for his channel, but he has good content, lol.
AItrepreneur - as you can imagine from the channel name, this one is somewhat more focused on AI from a business perspective, but he has overall good stuff. He set up a good Discord server for his channel as well if you're into that sort of thing.
SociallyIneptWeeb interesting rabbit hole of a side project, gives you a good idea of just how far some people are pushing this technology to create some wild shit.
This dude Alek has a pretty good YouTube channel if you're interested in AI tools from a hustling/business kind of perspective as well. He's done a series where he's essentially automated a variety of side hustles that are entirely using AI and he reports back on how it's going for him.
The release of stuff like AutoGPT and related tools which enable GPT-4 to have internet access and the ability to more proactively perform tasks are being released and advancing on a literal hour level, it's too much happening too fast.
I think we're seeing the implosion of our current "knowledge economy", where a lot of people who basically pretend to have some kind of special ability or skillset are being displaced from their jobs. There's going to be a hell of a lot of change in the next few months/years, that's for sure.