Bitcoin will not work as a consumer level currency, due to the debt-driven nature of much of the world.
I think you're predicting the future too confidently here, and hand wave the complexities of this, and it leads me to question the legitimacy of the rest of the post. We can presume that in a Bitcoin denominated world there's likely less debt, but to say the world can't function with less debt is not some fact.
This isn't twitter. You have room to develop an argument. When you make large claims you should supply large evidence. This claim is worthy of an article by itself.
Bitcoin finds its perfect use case as a stable trade currency
This is interesting but similarly just kind of thrown out there without context. Bitcoin being trustless definitely makes it better for international trade, but declaring its its perfect use case can use a lot more supporting evidence.
Hey, I appreciate your feedback! I was limited to 1000 words, I even went a little over, but not enough to expand on those topics on everything, just a high level call to action with historical context. On Reddit, and now here, I’ve been asked to write a couple more to expand on points like you’ve brought up, so more to come. Thanks again!