This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
OK this is cruel but if anyone needs a laugh check out the comments section on this crypto thread on twitter:
šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ had me rolling...
Duplicate prevention steps are working, at least for Youtube where one is the full youtube link and the next is the shortened (and vice-versa). So that's good.
Another duplicate prevention I've been thinking of is to list as dupe candidates either a Description post that had that URL in the description, or a reply in any post that includes that URL. So if I'm posting a link for an article that's already been shared in another post, I might just go visit that post first, to see what is discussed. I can still post the article even though it was in some other post on SN, ... but maybe I hadn't known about that other post existing.
Reasonable? (and wanted?) If so, I can go add this as a feature request in Github.
I think it's reasonable but I think it's overkill. What I eventually plan to do is to have a related area popup if there's a post with some cross over which should cover this case if it's implemented well. I've only noticed the discussion with link thing twice, maybe three times.
Just spent the entire day yesterday trying to get lnurl-auth to work on my project. I'm so glad I finally got it to work!
Also still doing my first coin join. I think I've split my funds into too many utxos though! They're getting mixed slowly but surely.
Would you ever consider making ads for SN? Like e.g. on Twitter? Or do you think this wouldn't be an "organic" way to grow the platfom?
Isn't the point of SN to avoid the advertising revenue model? Reliance on ads incentivises tracking, sensational posts and probably other antisocial behaviour.
Yeah, but maybe the thing just needs a start push. Just once in the beginning - to get the ball rolling.
I want to stick to organic ways to grow. If users don't like SN and stackers enough to tell other people about it, we shouldn't exist frankly. Plus, ads are expensive and hard to do effectively afaik.