Currently when you receive money using LN, you have to share your node’s public key and that way anyone sending money to you can deduce which bitcoin addresses you own. This is a massive flaw and privacy issue!
I’ve read that there are plans for fixing this by using rendezvous payments. Basically you encode parts of the hops in the invoice and let the payer find a route to that point which might be one or two hops away. This essentially makes it impossible for the payer to know who they are paying!
I am very excited for this feature and I am wondering if anyone knows more information about it, such as when it will be released?
Do you guys think it will make a large difference for LN?
Blinded path and trampoline routing is coming to LN. Give it a bit more time. Until then I suggest to use "decoy nodes" when is about to receive. As I described in this guide:
Thank you, interesting read!