I used trezor years ago before 2017. I gave them away as gifts to some noob friends.
So what you use now?
This is only for knowleageable and comfortable with software. Noobs should use HW, is much easier for them. For me is not necessary.
I would love a smartphone-like device which can run Tails. I would buy this solely for my multisig setup.
But I guess at some point this evolves into a HWW, haha
A tails usb do not raise too much attention, it could be any dummy usb. A dedicated well known HW device immediately will raise awareness.
Will be nice to have a Casio calculator with a hidden option to store some seeds.
Also a HW / cold wallet is not meant to be used as a daily wallet, you are not going to pay a coffee with a Trezor hanged on your neck and each time you want to pay, you plug it into your laptop to sign a tx... cmon... A HW / cold wallet is meant to setup once, extract the xpub (for future deposits only) and close it in a safe place and never use it anymore (only in emergency cases).
Use the 3 levels of stashing: hodl, cache, spend
Will be nice to have a Casio calculator with a hidden option to store some seeds.
Oh, right! I remember people playing games on their graphical calculators from Texas Instruments back in school.
Would be cool if they can be repurposed ...