buggy as hell. wallets often fail to load when running on both electrum server (which they oddly don't call electrum) or local core instance.
it is very slow as well
imho unless the project improves stick with sparrow
I agree with this! I had to install a pervious Version to get my wallets to show up again. The UI looks sleek and the future plug ins look promising but it still SUPER buggy
What does this wallet have that Sparrow doesn't?
Lack of JVM
I hope they fix it, tried using it with a software and hardware wallet and that shit kept bugging out on my node, just removed it, will try again when someone I trust claims they have their shit together
I have never used spectra but knowing that it uses Electrum network has already won my heart. This is because one of the best wallet I have ever used for BTC transactions is Electrum. This is because Electrum is one of the safest ways to store your Bitcoin. Electrum uses highly secure encryption methods to secure the private keys of its users' wallets. The seed used to generate private keys to Electrum wallets is highly secure, as well. It is an easy, secure, and lightweight wallet to store Bitcoin safely. Electrum uses blockchain indices, implying that users need not download large and ever-expanding blockchain files on their computers. I will sure have spectra to experience the ever unfailing trust I developed with such Wallet.