Because I don't want to spend 30 minutes searching for the solution of my problem when I can just ask ChatGPT and it will tell me what I am doing wrong in 5 seconds?
And don't tell me "just use your brain".
That's not how programming works. You have to read a lot of stuff like documentation before you can do anything. You can't "just use your brain". But before you can read that "documentation", you have to find it. That's where ChatGPT comes into play.
Also, using ChatGPT feels like programming. Because you have to know how to ask it things such that it gives you the right answers. Sometimes, it fails hilariously.
Keep using it, no problem. Let's see how you kids and grandkids will live in 20-30 years.
Yes, let's see.
I gave you a warning. Ignore it and you will see the consequences...
You did but I don't feel like you engaged with my arguments. Am I still using my brain now or not?
We can agree that humanity will dumb down. But it is already dumbing down... AI may just accelerate that. Or not, I am not sure yet.
Btw, I used ChatGPT for translation. Normal translators gave me "not received my arguments". As if my arguments are a letter, lol