"If we repeat it enough it'll become true!"
Love seeing the MSM showed up once again.
Anyone got one of those BTC price charts that also tracks the timeline of various articles saying "Bitcoin is a bubble and it's gonne die"?
To bypass paywall and avoid giving them traffic: https://archive.is/KrNBt
I was 4 minutes earlier, hehe (you can hover over the time to see the exact timestamp)
I think you went looking for the URL and then commented without refreshing the page when you found it. So you didn't see my comment. Am I right? :)
It’s not a chart but this page tracks a bunch of these type of articles, including this one.
$240 at time it was written
I like the Peter Shiff one 😁 he was so early 🤣
Yeah. Either he’s a complete idiot, missed the opportunity and is now salty as all hell. Very possible.
He’s not a complete idiot, bought some later, and is doing ok for himself. And his ant-bitcoin schtick is great marketing to sell his fund to boomers. Everyone knows who he is so part of me thinks it’s the later.