This is a very good question and I completely agree with you. It is a big hurdle. I still remember the first time I sent a transaction. I had to work up a nerve to do it and then sat there, refreshing the destination address whether it received it. The nervousness of the btc being somewher in ether beyond by control was not fun. Of couse, now I don't even worry about it, you get used to it, but I am also a technical person.
Many people are still not technical enough to understand how bitcoin works. We still need 2 generation shift in order for this to change a bit (at least 50 years). That is why you cannot compare storing bitcoin to cash. Everyone can use their hands and pockets, but not everyone is comfortable with using a smart phone and a computer (at least not at this stage).
With banks, you sort of get a do over if you send your money to the wrong account. With Bitcoin, you do not. Perhaps a feature that should be introduced.
Plus, since there is not central entity managing bitcoin, there is no organized customer support. Which of course is scary as hell for majority of people that they do not have anybody to contact regarding any issues with their wealth. (going to ask questions in Telegram or Discord to solve your problem is not an option for majority).
I think that decentrilized bitcoin network will be the engine that keeps turning and there will have to be centralized entities that help people with their needs. So, there still will be banksters and other ticks that suck blood out of the oblivious average consumer.