Some of my friends don't even have their smartphones protected with a PIN. Telling them about Bitcoin is asking for a disaster, both for them and for myself.
There is very little content on Nostr that's not about Bitcoin or [extreme, from a normie's POV] freedom - cypherpunk, ancap etc.
I know it's not healthy for me, and I don't know what to do about it. I've distanced myself from my friends, because there doesn't seem to be much I can talk to them about that matters to me. My interests have changed, theirs haven't.
I've distanced myself from my friends, because there doesn't seem to be much I can talk to them about that matters to me. My interests have changed, theirs haven't.
Same happened to me. I was very frustrated because I had no one to interact with regarding my interest in bitcoin, open source, itsec and programming in general.
Then I found SN where I can talk about bitcoin. Sarted to contribute to various open source projects (like SN) to meet the OSS people in their space. And regarding itsec and programming, I joined a university group which participates in CTFs regularly.
After these "needs" were filled, I noticed I am more open to talk more with my old friends again. However, still not as much as before since we still don't have that much in common anymore. But I at least join when they play some board games again.
People change. Such is life, I guess.
Welcome to SN!