Really appreciate and enjoy the comprehensive article. Going to read the other articles too. Really valuable content here.
I must say I find it very hard to determine a good place to store your seed. I like to do it in steel, but how do you do that when there's also a passphrase involved? Or when you have a backup in an encrypted file and you have a password for that? Then you need to store it fire/waterproof.
Usually you have 2 copies, I guess, of your seed, but when you have 2 hardware wallets, that's already 4!
Anyone else having difficulty with this?
I struggle with this as well.
I just recently purchased a passphrase steel punch plate from Codl Co that I am hoping will alleviate some of this stress because I want to store a passphrase stamped into steel as well. Here is what I ordered:
I am also working on adding some more content to my article on how to safely store your seed phrase because that was the most asked question and most viewed article in my series on how to secure your seed phrase.
I wouldn't go too overboard. Chances are that your seed phrase plenty secure just stamped into steel and stored somewhere safe from bad actors.