Is there an option to help with translation? Like if the website is open source by creating a PR for example
English available for now, as we did find a plugin that allow a good level of automatic translations.
Tried to do another donation but keep getting this error
Por favor introduce una dirección para continuar
Confused why I am getting this I am using my same account.
The plug-in works on the main page but once you click to donate it goes back to Spanish.
163 sats \ 1 reply \ @mo 7 Apr 2023
Thank you so much for trying again, so useful for us 🙏🏽 We are still making changes and improving the platform., please don't be surprised if something doesn't work as expected. If you try again, it should ask for the address only for shippable items.
Same for the translations, it sets to switch to your browser language. So if you have Spanish set, it will bring you back to a Spanish page next click
I was doing this on mobile. I’m pretty sure the default language on safari is English.
But I should be thanking you for creating a platform that allows us who benefit from all this developed nation privilege to help.
Not at the moment, the site is built on WordPress. If you know any useful plugins, please let us know