I was wondering. Miners are very important of course and they get the coinbase transactions and the fees. But full nodes are the ones receiving the transactions and giving the information to miners. Without nodes, miners cannot mine anything. Should they pay the nodes some part of the fees for example? It doesn't need to much but maybe it would help to have more nodes and decentralization. In the end, they consume bandwidth, some electricity and storage.
I guess it is complicated and that's why it has not been done. But I was curious if this would be possible. Or why it has not been done. Has this been discussed?
You'd need undeniable proof that a node is a node and not merely pretending to be one. Just like we need undeniable proof that a miner mined a block. For miners we use computational work. It's non-trivial to come up with something equivalent for node running.
In general, proving something is in a digital context is very hard. It's why our emails are filled with spam, captchas get ever harder, and why SN has a cost to post.
Most people would agree full nodes are providing value to the network and should be compensated if possible.
thank you. You are right. It is always difficult when payments are involved. Spam and scams always ruining everything. I guess it is in human nature. No idea. I was just thinking what could be done to make more people run their nodes. :)
You know that all miners are also nodes, right?
sure, and with even bigger mempool sizes. But they need the rest of the nodes too, don't they? Otherwise they would have a network where they force people to connect to their nodes and that would be bad. Less decentralized and less privacy I think. All the nodes in the network are doing an essential work too. Of course miners do much harder work but they get the entire rewards. But I know it is not easy to be a miner nowadays so I am not attacking miners or anything like that. :)
You are not running a full node for earning sats. You are running to broadcast and validate your own transactions. Anybody can run a node, so I do not see any "centralization threat".
I agree. but don't you think more people would run nodes if they are told they stack sats by contributing to the network? In any case, thinking about it more, you are right and I see it is very difficult this would happen and just the service of validating your transactions may be enough. All this came to my mind because I see new people I speak with, struggling with running their full node. I think they will end up using CBDCs. :/
Read my BTC/LN guides and you will learn more. You will see that is not so hard.
Is all about learning to do these stuff.
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thank you ChatGPT? it is a good answer in any case ;)
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