Bitcoin and LN already have a lot of solutions available, but that doesn't mean it will stop here. BTC/LN will continue evolving always. What is needed is education for normies and btc users. I see every day many people that still don't know too much about how to use properly btc/ln and lack of knowledge about existing solutions.
Devs are creating many tools, apps, solutions but few are using them because of lack of knowledge, lack of documentation and also because many users are lazy not reading documentation.
I see many people only wasting their yime listening useless podcasts about TAs, speculation, price prediction, shitcoining etc but thry do not dare to start even testing apps or reading some documentation.
Without educated users all this effort is in vain.
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For me, e-commerce is one of the biggest things. Being able to pay for things that exist around the globe instantly or near instantly is something I would like to see bitcoin solve. Although I would say the biggest problem is being able to pass that money around A lot of the biggest retailers are paying their bills with fiat. If that didn't need to be the case, then smart contracts, running on bitcoin good be the way people pay for things to cover everything to be exact. For example, You're not just buying clothes you're paying the people who manufactured, you're paying the warehouse that stored it in a distribution center near you and you're paying for shipping.